What do I mean by words that obfuscate?
In fact, what does “obfuscate” mean?
It’s a word that rarely finds a home in a normal business letter.
Let’s analyze just a few words that don’t belong in most business documents. I’ll also offer better (I hope!) choices for everyday usage.
Means: to make something unclear, difficult to understand.
Try: confuse, alter, change, and modify.
Means: Outrageously bad. Ridiculous to an extraordinary degree.
Try: flagrant, blatant, absurd, bizarre, grotesque, gross, and glaring.
OB·SE·QUI·OUS: ahb-SEE-kwee-us
Means: too eager to please or obey
Try: fawning, flattering, toadying, submissive, fawning, groveling, unctuous, smarmy.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Avoid using ostentatious words that obfuscate their unembellished significance. Also, avoid being either egregious or obsequious, and you will do satisfactorily.