Chuck Green, the brilliant graphic artist and more, recently discussed (in a newsletter) the work tools he keeps close to him. They are:
- a card with fraction to decimal conversion chart
- a list of words I chronically misspell
- a Field Notes Calendar
- a Moleskine notebook
- a stack of lined 3×5 cards
- a pad of Bienfang Parchment Tracing Paper
- a Rolodex that I look at once every couple of months …and so on.
This got me thinking about what my work tools are. Whether online or physically, I have a dictionary and thesaurus, followed by Chicago Manual of Style, The Gregg Reference Manual, and the AP Stylebook. I also keep a red pen close by. And when I’m at my desk, I have an OTT-LITE to brighten my hard copy. Finally, I have a small cat that insists on curling up on my lap and snoozing while I’m working. Which is fine unless I’ve a project with many papers on my desk and the need to move frequently.
What about you?
P.S. Do consider signing up for Chuck Green’s newsletter. He is so generous with his ideas on design and presentation.