Guest post by my friend Becky Blanton
I was feeling bad about the fact people distance themselves from me because they say I’m “too intense.” Then I asked someone what that meant and she said, “You speak up.”
- When a man on the plane began talking about raping women and hurting women and a 10-year-old girl and her mother cowered, afraid to say anything — I spoke up, and even though I was quaking in fear, I confronted him when he tried to intimidate me.
- When a mother was beating and slapping her son, confined to a wheelchair with Cerebral Palsy, I told her to stop, made her stop and called 911. No one else in the restaurant could meet my gaze or her….too ashamed or scared to “get involved.”
- When a family was throwing rocks, destroying a national monument I spoke up, and took their photo…
- When a kid in a middle school where I was giving a talk to a classroom was being bullied in the hallway by three boys, I stopped it.
What people call rabble rousing, intense, argumentative…I call courage.
It’s okay to be a coward. To not speak up. To not get involved, to not help. But don’t give me shit because I do. One day I may be the ONLY one who stands up for YOU.