Want to generate a short report of information about the web page header lines of the server where a domain is being hosted? You may discover things you never knew.
Will Bontrager says that for people who use Mac, Linux, or other non-Windows operating systems, or who prefer not to install WebBug, the Server Snooper can provide the headers. At warp speed, you can discover what’s in the hidden information that a server sends to a browser.
It amazes people, sometimes, to know how much data about their choice of server and web page is publicly available; “public” includes yourself, crackers, and competitors. The information is sent to every browser requesting a web page.
Here’s a link to the Server Snooper page where you can type in a URL and view the header information, and where you can grab some code and put the link on your site.
And don’t forget to visit Bontrager’s FlowTo.com site and discover how easy it is to protect your email address on your website. No CGI. Just simple coding does the trick.