Judy's Corner1. Experience is a great teacher, and I have had over four years using a Caption Call telephone. It helps with my Low Register hearing disability. You manage the contacts and preferences from your page on the Caption Call website. One especially nice feature is saving conversations to view later. These conversations are saved until you choose to delete them. Some reasons to save captioned calls include:
2. The Modern Language Association, the authority on research and writing, introduced its groundbreaking eighth edition of the MLA Handbook earlier this year at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference and Bookfair, in Los Angeles. The handbook offers an innovative approach to documenting sources. No longer focused on a source's publication format, MLA style now emphasizes the elements common to most works and gives writers in all fields-from the sciences to the humanities-the tools to intuitively combine these elements. 3. AP Stylebook Editors lowercase "Internet" and "Web" in June 2016. You can get it online. If you're a journalist, it's well worth it. 4. I hope things are going well for you. I appreciate your taking time to browse through this newsletter, which is designed just for you. Here's one of my favorite quotes: "Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions." O.W. Holmes ~~~ Grammar Tip - numbers Here's what most people practice for general writing as opposed to scientific or technical writing:
CATEGORIESArts - CTO - Desktop Publishing, Design, & Typography - Disabilities - Education -Grammar - History - Small Biz/Home Office - Technology - For Writers, Journalists, Researchers, & PlaywrightsARTSLangston Hughes Presents the History of Jazz in an Illustrated Children's Book (1955) Corita Kent: An overshadowed pop art icon The Austen Family Music Books This collection consists of eighteen printed and manuscript music books owned by members of the Austen family, including the writer Jane Austen, in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. An Artist at 100, Thinking Big but Starting Small CTO20 most popular baby boy, girl names in California 2015 Fashionplaytes.com: A Website for Girls to Design Their Own Clothes Quote Investigator: Exploring the origins of quotations Mary Oliver's instructions for living a life. A gallery of promotional 3.5" floppy disks by 90s
The best Desktop Publishing software for 2016 HOW TO DESIGN, DEVELOP, AND PRINT A TRI-FOLD BROCHURE Antonoff: How Steve Jobs helped launch the desktop publishing revolution DISABILITIESWhat You Need to Know about the IDEA Requirement for Physical Education The Ultimate Guide to Driving with Disabilities Home Modifications to Promote Independent Living Caption Call is a revolutionary telephone for anyone who has difficulty hearing on the phone. Hearing loss affects millions of Americans for many different reasons such as age, illness, injury, loud working conditions, and military service. It does not, however, have to limit the quality of their phone conversations. CaptionCall makes it easy to communicate confidently with friends, family and colleagues by phone. EDUCATIONOpen Culture: Free cultural and educational media 40 maps that explain the Roman Empire 10 Best Educational Websites for Kids The Digital Shift: Ten Websites Added to ALSC's "Great Websites for Kids" Hands-on Math Activities for Kids GRAMMARCommon Errors In English: Professor Paul Brians Daily Writing Tips: Get a daily grammar, spelling, punctuation or vocabulary tip. Guide To Grammar And Style: Jack Lynch Professor Charles Darling's Grammar Site Grammarist HISTORY40 maps that explain the Roman Empire The American Civil War - Then and Now Sucker punch: destroyed images of 1930s rural America - in pictures: An archive of 175,000 images shows post-Depression America at its most desperate - especially the negatives killed off with an ominous hole-punch SMALL BIZ & HOME OFFICESurvey Monkey: Create Surveys, Get Answers TECHNOLOGYInformation is Beautiful - ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) BLOGS THE CONCORD CONSORTIUM: BRIDGES FOR WRITERS, JOURNALISTS, RESEARCHERS, and PLAYWRIGHTS150 business jargon phrases with better options World Atlas of Language Structures: a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors. The first version of WALS was published as a book with CD-ROM in 2005 by Oxford University Press. ~~~ TO SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) TO eCOMMUNICATION FOOD FOR THOUGHT go to http://www.ossweb.com/ezine.html How to find Judy's websites Editing & Writing Services (Biz site w/writing tips blog)
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